Event Slovenian Industry of the Future ‘Transition to a circular economy through industry 4.0’/ Dogodek SLOVENSKA INDUSTRIJA PRIHODNOSTI: Prehod na krožno gospodarstvo preko industrije 4.0, Celje, 10.9.2020


SLO Dogodek SLOVENSKA INDUSTRIJA PRIHODNOSTI: Prehod na krožno gospodarstvo preko industrije 4.0, je potekal 10. septembra v Celju. Organiziral ga je partner TECOS Razvojni center orodjarstva Slovenije. Povezal je strokovnjake iz raziskovalnega in industrijskega okolja, ki svoje bogato znanje, izkušnje ter razvojne usmeritve združujejo in predstavljajo preko koncepta krožnega gospodarstva in Industrije 4.0. V sklopu dogodka je bil predstavljen tudi projekt LIFE Biothop. Več o tem lahko preberete na: https://www.tecos.si/…/804-prehod-na-krozno…

EN The event SLOVENIAN INDUSTRY OF THE FUTURE: The transition to a circular economy through Industry 4.0 took place on 10 September in Celje. It was organized by the partner TECOS Development Center for Toolmaking in Slovenia. It brought together experts from the research and industrial environment, who combine and present their rich knowledge, experience and development orientations through the concept of the circular economy and Industry 4.0. The LIFE Biothop project was also presented as part of the event.