MOS Celje – Posvet biokrožno gospodarstvo, 14.9.2023

Posvet fotka

SI Zanimiv posvet “Bio krožno gospodarstvo – nuja ali priložnost”, je, v okviru Mednarodnega obrtnega sejma v Celju, organizirala Ekoci Ekološka civilna iniciativa. Dr. Barbara Čeh z Inštituta za hmeljarstvo in pivovarstvo Slovenije  je predstavila koncept krožnega gospodarstva v hmeljarstvu ter projekt LIFE Biothop kot možen model za druge panoge, zlasti konopljo in morda tudi zelišča.

EN An interesting panel “Bio-circular economy – necessity or opportunity” was organised by the Ecoci Eco-Civic Initiative in the framework of the International Crafts Fair in Celje. Dr Barbara Čeh from The Slovenian Institute of Hop Research and Brewing presented the concept of a circular economy in the hop growing sector and the LIFE Biothop project as a possible model for other sectors, in particular hemp and perhaps herbs.