Predstavitev kompostiranja na nacionalni TV “Ljudje in zemlja”/ Composting of hop biomass intertwined with biodegradable twine presented at national TV “Ljudje in zemlja

SLO V tokratni izobraževalno-svetovalni oddaji “Ljudje in zemlja” je Lucija Luskar (IHPS), predstavila postopek kompostiranje hmeljevine, prepletene z biorazgradljivo BioTHOP PLA vrvico. Poleg tega je bil predstavljen tudi postopek merjenja temperatur kompostnega kupa ter obračanje le tega. Do celotne oddaje dostopate tukaj (BioTHOP kompostiranje pa na 7.50).

EN In the attached educational-advising episode Ljudje in zemlja (People and their land), Lucija Luskar (IHPS)  has presented the composting of hop biomass intertwined with biodegradable twine. In addition, the process of measuring the temperatures of the compost pile and turning was presented. You can take a look at the video here (BioTHOP composting at 7.50).