Tehnološki sestanek s hmeljarji v Braslovčah/ Technological meeting with hop growers in Braslovče 20.7.2023

SI Na današnjem tehnološkem sestanku smo se v lepem okolju občine Braslovče, ki je ena ob občin, ki si tudi zelo prizadeva za zamenjavo plastičnih vrvic z biorazgradljivimi.
Poleg varstva hmelja, ki nudi letos zopet svojevrstne izzive, smo se poglobili še v biorazgradljive vrvice, in sicer vrvico iz celuloznih vlaken. Le-ta ima certifikat za biorazgradljivost in jo na inštitutu preizkušamo že veliko let. Ves ta čas pa se med sezonami v podjetju JoroVerde v Avstriji dodeluje. Celulozna vlakna se proizvajajo v Avstriji, plete pa se vrvica v Sloveniji. Predstavili  smo še LAS projekt, ki poteka na področju namakanja hmelja.
V okviru aktualnih tem s področja hmeljarstva, je bilo tudi predavanje Ane Karničnik o pripravah na kompostiranje hmeljevine na kmetijah.

EN At today’s technology meeting, we met in the beautiful surroundings of the municipality of Braslovče, which is one of the municipalities that is also working hard to replace plastic ropes with biodegradable ones.
In addition to hop protection, which again this year offers its own unique challenges, we also looked at biodegradable twine, namely cellulose fibre twine, which is certified for biodegradability and which we have been testing at the Institute for many years. During this time, it has been refined between seasons at JoroVerde in Austria. The cellulose fibre is produced in Austria and the twine is knitted in Slovenia. They also presented the LAS project that is being carried out in the field of hop irrigation.
In the context of current topics in the field of hop-growing, there was also a lecture by Ana Karničnik on preparations for composting of hops waste on farms.