Technical seminar to explain the project aim and increase the commitment with environment

13. Feb

Technical seminar to explain the project aim and increase the commitment with environment  (in Thermana Laško, 13th February at 12:30)

In the frame of traditional Hop Seminar organized by IHPS, we will organize technical seminar to explain the LIFE BioTHOP project aim and increase the commitment with environment. The event willl take place in  Thermana Laško, Slovenia, on 13th February at 12:30. All hop growers welcome! We will present also the results of response of BioTHOP PLA twine in 2019 in the hop fields of Lower Savinja Valley, the demo region of the LIFE project BioTHOP and news on composting of 100 tons of biomass after hop harvest. For more info call IHPS: 00 386 3 71 21 600.

Predstavitev projekta LIFE BioTHOP – cilji in povečanje ozaveščenosti o okolju (Thermana Laško, 13. februar ob 12:30 uri)

V okviru tradicionalnega Seminarja o hmeljarstvu, ki ga organizira IHPS, bomo predstavili tudi projekt LIFE BioTHOP in njegove dosedanje rezultate. Tehnični seminar se bo odvijal v Thermani Laško, 13. februarja, z začetkom ob 12.30 uri. Predstavili bomo tudi rezultate uporabe vrvice BioTHOP PLA v letu 2019 na hmeljiščih Spodnje Savinjske doline, demo regije LIFE projekta BioTHOP in trenutne izsledke  kompostiranja 100 ton hmeljevine, prepletene s to novo vrvico. Vsi pridelovalci hmelja dobrodošli! Za več informacij pokličite v tajništvo IHPS: 03 7121 600.