Ogled rastlinjaka z akvaponičnim sistemom in sodelovanje s projektom LIFE BioTHOP / Visit to the greenhouse with aquaponic system and cooperation with the LIFE BioTHOP project

20. Jul

SLO Prijazno vabljeni na vodeni ogled rastlinjaka z akvaponičnim sistemom v torek ob 16. uri. Lokacija predavanja je Velenjska cesta 4, 3310 Žalec. Dogodek je organiziran v sodelovanju s projektom LIFE BioTHOP.

EN You are kindly invited to a guided tour of the greenhouse with the aquaponic system on Tuesday at 4 p.m. The location of the event is Velenjska cesta 4, 3310 Žalec. The event is organized in cooperation with the LIFE BioTHOP project.