Poleg Evropske komisije vseh 6 občin Spodnje Savinjske doline sofinancira in podpira mednarodni okoljski projekt LIFE BioTHOP, ki traja od poletja 2019. Kar 9 hmeljarjev iz SSD in 6 replikativnih regij SI in širše EU testira biorazgradljive (PLA) BioTHOP vrvice tudi v tem letu. Poleg nove vrvice bodo pridobili znanje s področja pravilnega kompostiranja hmeljevine, s ciljem pridobivanja odličnega organskega komposta. Prav tako so partnerji v tem času izdelali vrsto novih in inovativnih biorazgradljivih izdelkov (hmeljeva vlakna, biokompozit, embalažo za steklenice za vino in sadilne lončke). Vabljeni, da nas spremljate tudi na družbenih omrežjih.
Besides European Commission also all 6 municipalities of the Lower Savinja Valley, the Ministry for Environment and Spatial Planning and the Slovenian Hop Growers Association have been co-financing and supporting the international environmental project LIFE BioTHOP since the summer of 2019. This year 9 hop growers from our valley and 6 replicative regions from SI and wider EU are testing biodegradable (PLA) BioTHOP twine again. Hop growers will also gain knowledge in the field of properly composting process of hop biomass after harvest to obtain excellent organic compost. have been co-financing and supporting the international environmental project LIFE BioTHOP since the summer of 2019. This year 9 hop growers from our valley and 6 replicative regions from SI and wider EU are testing biodegradable (PLA) BioTHOP twine again. Hop growers will also gain knowledge in the field of properly composting process of hop biomass after harvest to obtain excellent organic compost. During this time project partners have been produced and test new and innovative biodegradable products (hop fibres, bio-composite, packaging for wine bottles and planting pots). Besides testing the BioTHOP twine on 2 ha in Slovenia, Austria, CZ, Belgium and Serbia, it is testing also in high bean, tomato and vineyard growing. You are also invited to follow us on social networks.