International Hop Growers’ Convention meeting in Patagonia / Srečanje Svetovne hmeljarske organizacije v Patagoniji


LIFE project BioTHOP was presented by the secretary general dr. Martin Pavlovič from IHPS at the International Hop Growers’ Convention (IHGC) meeting in Patagonia/Argentina with Boardmeeting and Economic Commission, which took place from February 24th – March 3rd 2020. 30 delegates from 6 countries were updated with main project contents and expected deliverables related to the PLA solutions for a hop industry.
There are 5 hop growers in Argentina in 2020, together they grow hop on 164 ha. Among them there is one Slovene man, Mr Franc Budinek. They grow mainly varieties Cascade (55%) and Nugget (18%). On all hop fields they use polypropylene twine and are very interested in BioTHOP PLA TWINE which we develop in the project.


Dr. Martin Pavlovič z IHPS, generalni sekretar IHGC – Svetovne hmeljarske organizacije, je predstavil projekt LIFE BioTHOP na seji odbora in ekonomski komisiji tega združenja v Patagoniji v Argentini. 30 delegatov iz 6 držav se je seznanilo s projektom in našimi dosedanjimi rezultati.
V letu 2020 je v Argentini 5 hmeljarjev, ki pridelujejo hmelj na 164 ha, med njimi tudi Slovenec Franc Budinek. Prevladujeta ameriški sorti Cascade (55 %) in Nugget (18 %). Na vseh hmeljiščih uporabljajo za vodila polipropilensko vrvico. Imajo interes za alternativno zamenjavo materiala vodil – z BioTHOP PLA vrvico – s tem pa tudi za spremljanje rezultatov projekta.