LIFE BioTHOP at Sustainability Day/ Projekt BiOTHOP del tradicionalnega DNEVA ZA TRAJNOST, 23.9.2021

SLO Dan trajnosti smo obeležili  z mreženjem med vodilnim partnerjem projekta LIFE BioTHOP Inštitut za hmeljarstvo in pivovarstvo Slovenije s partnerjem Razvojna agencija Savinja in sofinancerji – predstavniki občin Spodnje Savinjske doline.
Dogodek sta organizirala RA Savinja in UPI Ljudska univerza Žalec v okviru tradicionalnega srečanja, namenjeno ugotavljanju dobrih praks in načrtov na področju trajnostnega razvoja na območju Spodnje Savinjske doline.
Ogledali smo si biorazgradljivo vrvico BioTHOP v hmeljišču z visokim fižolom, kompostiranje hmeljevine, prepletene z BioTHOP vrvico, na kmetiji Bojan Leskošek, razstavo v dvorcu Novo Celje, turistično kmetijo Flajs s svojo pivovarnico v srcu mesta Žalec, Vrt zdravilnih in aromatičnih rastlin na IHPS ter Ekomuzej hmeljarstva.
EN At the Day of Sustainability, the leading partner of the LIFE BioTHOP project, the Institute of Hop Growing and Brewing of Slovenia, with the partner Savinja Development Agency networked between co-financiers – representatives of the municipalities of the Lower Savinja Valley and other stakeholders.
The event was organized by RA Savinja and UPI Ljudska univerza Žalec as part of a traditional meeting aimed at identifying good practices and plans in the field of sustainable development in the Lower Savinja Valley.
We visited the high bean hop field, where the Leskovšek farm is testing the biodegradable BioTHOP twine, learned more about composting hops waste intertwined with the BioTHOP twine, visited the exhibition in the Novo Celje manor, the Flajs tourist farm with a brewery in the heart of Žalec, a Garden of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants at IHPS and Ecomuseum of Hop Growing.