Obisk predstavnikov Lankhorst Yarns/ Visit of representatives of Lankhorst Yarns

SI V sredo, 3. novembra sta Inštitut za hmeljarstvo in pivovarstvo Slovenije obiskala predstavnika podjetja Lankhorst Yarns, ki z IHPS sodeluje pri projektu Life BioTHOP. Skupaj razvijajo biorazgradljivo PLA vrvico, ki bi lahko nadomestila nerazgradljive polipropilenske vrvice. Obiskala sta nekaj hmeljarjev, ki sodelujejo v projektu BioTHOP, si ogledala njihove obiralne stroje, zanimal ju je način delovanja le teh, predvsem nožev, da bi v prihodnosti bilo čim manj težav pri rezanju vrvice. Ogledala sta si tudi sušilnico hmelja in kompostne kupe s PLA vrvico. Na koncu se je izvedla tudi demonstracija rezanja PLA vrvice na obiralnem stroju. Obisk je bil pomemben predvsem iz vidika nadaljnjih izboljšav vrvice.

EN On Wednesday, 3th of November, Slovenian Institute of Hop Research and Brewing was visited by representatives of Lankhorst Yarns, which cooperates with IHPS in the Life BioTHOP project. Together they are developing a biodegradable PLA twine, which could replace undegradable polypropylene twine. They visited some hop growers participating in the BioTHOP project, took a look at their harvesting machines and were mainly interested in the way harvesting machines work, especially knives, so that in future there would be as few problems as possible when cutting the twine. They also visited hop-drying facility and compost piles with PLA twine. Finally, a demonstration of PLA twine cutting on a harvesting machine was performed. The visit was important especially from the point of view of further improvements of the twine.