Pivovarna Zajc (s Primorska) že drugo leto testira BioTHOP vrvico / Pivovarna Zajc (Zajc Brewery) Pivovarna Zajc has been testing BioTHOP twine for the second year

SI Tudi v tem letu Pivovarna Zajc iz severne Primorske testira BioTHOP vrvico. Z vrvico so tudi letos zelo zadovoljni, saj je močna, obstojna, se ne trga in hmelj se zelo lepo ovija okrog nje. Po uporabi pa bodo preverili še njeno razgradljivost. Letos so naredili poleg pivovarne še tap room “ZAJČNK”. Tla so obložena z več kot 100 let staro opeko iz starega skladišča hmelja iz Žalca, prav tako imajo muzej. Prijazno vabljeni, da jih obiščete!
EN For the second year, Pivovarna Zajc (Zajc Brewery) from northern Primorska is testing the BioTHOP twine. They are very satisfied with the twine this year, as it is strong, durable, does not tear and the hops wrap around it very nicely. After use, they will check its degradability. This year, in addition to the brewery, they also made a tap room “ZAJČNK”. The floors are lined with more than 100-year-old bricks from an old hop warehouse in Žalec, and they also have a museum. You are kindly invited to visit them.