KUTJEVO / OSIJEK (CRO) Delegacija predstavnikov Razvojne agencije Savinje in Občine Žalec se je med 15.04 – 17.04.2021 odzvala na prijazno povabilo Občine Kutjevo in se, v okviru poslovnega obiska, seznanila z naravnimi, kulturnim, družbenimi in razvojnimi potenciali območja. Direktor Razvojne agencije Savinja je v sklopu poslovnega obiska predstavil tudi projekt LIFE BioTHOP in trenutne rezultate, ne le predstavnikom občine, ampak tudi največjim lokalnim vinogradnikom.
KUTJEVO / OSIJEK (CRO) A delegation of representatives of the Savinja Development Agency and the Municipality of Žalec responded to a friendly invitation from the Municipality of Kutjevo between 15 April and 17 April 2021. During a business visit, they got acquainted with the area’s natural, cultural, social and development potentials. As part of the business meetings, the Director of the Savinja Development Agency also presented the LIFE BioTHOP project and the current results to the municipality representatives and the largest local winegrowers.