Projekt BioTHOP eden od finalistov v sklopu 6. spletne konference “NOVE TEHNOLOGIJE v KMETIJSTVU”, častnik Finance/ BioTHOP project one of the finalists of the 6th virtual conference “NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN AGRICULTURE”, Finance magazine, 9. 12. 2021

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SLO Častnik Finance je 9. 12. 21 organiziral že 6. spletno konferenco “NOVE TEHNOLOGIJE V KMETIJSTVU” in razglasil zmagovalce v sklopu AGROBIZNIS Hi-TECH natečaja.  Minister dr. Jože Podgoršek, MKGP je uvodoma nagovoril spletne udeležence. Letos se je na natečaju predstavilo 17 idej, uporabnikov in ponudnikov novih tehnologij, od pametnega vinograda in robotiziranega hleva do akvaponskega vrta in navpičnega gojenja solate. Finalist natečaja je bil tudi projekt LIFE BioTHOP (IHPS) v kategoriji ideja.  Iskreno čestitamo vsem zmagovalcem! Brezplačno si lahko prenesete revijo  Pametno kmetijstvo.

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EN On 9 December 21, the Finance časnik organized the 6th web conference “NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN AGRICULTURE” and announced the winners of the AGROBIZNIS Hi-TECH competition. The introductory speech was given by Minister Jože Podgoršek. This year, 17 ideas, users and providers of new technologies were presented at the competition, from a smart vineyard and a robotic barn to an aquaponic garden and vertical salad growing. The finalist of the competition was also the LIFE BioTHOP (IHPS) project in the idea category. Congratulations to all the winners!

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