Spletni dogodek »7. AGROBIZNIS konferenca – Kaj si želijo kupci?« / Webinar »The 7th AGROBIZNIS conference – What Customers Want”

SI Častnik finance je 10.6.2021 organiziral webinar »7. AGROBIZNIS konferenca – Kaj si želijo kupci?« Konferenco sta podprla MKGP in NLB. Sodobni uporabniki so se v času korone zelo spremenili, kmetijski in živilskopredelovalni sektor sta vse bolj usmerjena v trajnostne inovacije. Trajnost pa podpira tudi evropski zeleni dogovor (Green Deal).  Med izvrstnimi govorci je, poleg inovativnih vinogradnikov, urbanih vrtičkarjev, dr. Barbara Čeh predstavila projekt LIFE BioTHOP. Poudarila je pomen slovenskega hmeljarstva kot največje izvozne kmetijske panoge in s tem velik pomen na prepoznavnost Slovenije v svetu. V nadaljevanju je predstavila projekt, Spodnjo Savinjsko dolino kot demo regijo, mednarodno partnerstvo, sofinancerje projekta ter tehnološke procese, ki so bili razviti za dosego zastavljenih rezultatov (kompost, biorazgradljiva vrvica, hmeljeva vlakna, bio-kompozit, embalaža za vinske steklenice, sadilni lončki). Poudarila je, da letos biorazgradljivo in kompostabilno vrvico BioTHOP preizkušajo že tudi hmeljarji na drugih hmeljarskih območjih Slovenije (Koroška, Ptuj, Ormož) ter na Češkem, v Avstriji, Belgiji, Srbiji in Nemčiji. Razvita je sicer za pridelavo hmelja, testirajo pa jo tudi za oporo fižolu, paradižniku in vinski trti. Prisotni so projekt pohvalili, da je izvrstna predstavitev inovativnega trajnostnega pristopa in številnih tehnoloških rešitev. Predvsem so pohvalili mednarodno povezovanje partnerjev in prenašanje znanja. Dogodku je prisluhnilo 170 udeležencev. Več na (1:54:07): vimeo.com/561777866

EN On June 10, 2021, Častnik Finance (the Slovenian business and financial newspaper) organized the webinar »The 7th AGROBIZNIS conference – What Customers Want”. The conference was supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food (MAFF) and the NLB (bank). Modern users have changed a lot, especially during the epidemic, and the agricultural and food processing sectors are increasingly focused on sustainable innovation. Sustainability is also supported by the European Green Deal. Among the excellent speakers, in addition to innovative winegrowers, urban gardeners, dr. Barbara Čeh presented the LIFE BioTHOP project. She emphasized the importance of Slovenian hop growing as the largest agricultural export industry and thus the great importance of Slovenia’s recognition in the world. She presented the project, the Lower Savinja Valley as a demo region, an international partnership, co-financiers of the project, and technological processes that were developed to achieve the set results (compost, biodegradable twine, hop fibre, bio-composite, wine bottle packaging, planting pots – all biodegradable). The biodegradable twine is being tested by hop growers in other hop growing areas of Slovenia in 2021 (Koroška, ​​Ptuj, Ormož) and in the Czech Republic, Austria, Belgium, Serbia and Germany as well. It is also being tested for support of beans, tomatoes and vines. Attendees praised the project as an excellent presentation of an innovative sustainable approach, with a number of excellent solutions. Above all, they praised the fact that the partners are collaborating internationally and transferring knowledge. The event was attended by 170 participants. More (in Slovene; 1:54:07) at: vimeo.com/561777866