Visit report Naia Cerveja Artesanal / Poročilo o obisku Naia Cerveja Artesanal

Naia Cerveja Artesanal is a small beer brewery in the town of Naia, Portugal. The brewery has a small hop production with around 500 plants spread across two fields and is planning to expand in the coming years. They’re currently using sisal but would be very interested in alternative solutions that could be compostable since they’re composting their own plant waste. We agreed to get in touch later on in the season before he starts putting his twine to evaluate the possibility to get some of the BioTHOP PLA twine in his fields as a part of the transfer activities within the LIFE project BioTHOP.

Naia Cerveja Artesanal je majhna pivovarna v mestu Naia na Portugalskem. Pivovarna ima proizvodnjo hmelja s približno 500 rastlinami, na dveh poljih, ki jo namerava v prihodnjih letih razširiti. Trenutno uporabljajo sisalove vrvice, vendar bi jih zelo zanimale alternativne rešitve – vrvice, ki bi bile biorazgradljive in bi omogočale kompostiranje odpadne hmeljevine. Dogovorili smo se za kasnejši kontakt, da bodo pred napeljavo vrvice ocenili možnost uporabe PLA BioTHOP vrvice na hmeljiščih – kot del dejavnosti prenosa novih dognanj znotraj projekta LIFE BioTHOP.